

Mindfulness and meditation, whether we choose to believe it or not should most definitely be part of our daily routine. Many people mutter the words daily that they are practicing mindfulness when really all they have to do is simply be mindful. This allows us to bring our personal alignment into the here and now without wavering into the past or future. Assuring us of an anxiety-free life. This is only one of the plus sides of adopting a mindful mindset.

Meditation and grounding (Earthing) is the bedrock that mindfulness is built upon. There are many misconceptions about meditation, the benefits and what it has to offer. Hand placement, leg placement and whether you are sitting facing the sun or moon, play no part in the early stages of meditation. Our minds are unique only to ourselves and as we are not Buddhist monks we need to first of all work with who we are and make it work for ourselves, as unique individuals on an induction level. Sadly, you will not leave your body, feel tingling up your spine or float off into another realm attached only by an astral cord. These things simply won’t happen when first discovering meditation.

The best entry-level way to explain it is that the left and right side of our brains work simultaneously, even when we say we are multitasking. It has been proven that during meditation, this is the only time that our brains align and communicate with each other. It’s the reset, clearing the cache, deleting old history and closing down all those tabs which are open within the mind. Just like you wouldn’t leave the house without combing your hair. Meditation detangles all your thoughts making cognitive functions and decisions lightning-quick throughout your day whilst leaving you with far more clarity and energy when that day finally comes to a close.



Our bodies operate on two levels, with those that are masculine and those which are feminine. As we are now in the 21st century and these bodies do not correlate directly to reproduction, it was important when writing this section to remove binary context from the concept. This is where we replace the wording of masculine and feminine with the polar context of North and South. With both the earth and ourselves having electromagnetic fields, it is important that the equilibrium be monitored and addressed regularly. However, the earth will always self-regulate its own polarity balance but as human beings, we need to regulate our own. Knowing which bodies we dominate and ‘sit in’ is key. Therefore, making sure we adopt a balanced polarity is fundamental to our health and wellbeing.

Here is a short example of the jurisdiction of each ‘body’ :

PHYSICAL BODY- (North) Our physical experience in the world, our physiology, our ability to heal.

MENTAL BODY- (North) Our thoughts, attitudes, judgments, and prejudices—Also how we perceive our worth and value in the world. Some believe it is about a foot out in diameter from the physical body, some feel it is inches.

EMOTIONAL BODY- (South) The nervous system, hormones, touch, water and water release (tears), and water absorption (bloating or clutching from not letting go, feelings of lack, and trying to hold onto/control things too closely). Some believe that the emotional body extends a few millimeters or inches around the body. How we are doing emotionally is represented by how calm or rough the waters are in our thoughts and our dream state.

SPIRITUAL BODY - (South) Connection to all things, including the earth/self, to what we call God, the universe, the beyond, the divine, or higher self. This provides protection, union, help, and guidance from an outside source as well as from those who have passed on. It connects us to all that is. Many do not understand or acknowledge that this aspect exists. It has little to do with what we believe culturally when it comes to religion or spirits—it is more the element that no one and no situation stands alone, that there is no one fault, that we are all connected, and that it always takes more than one body to create all that exists in life. It is the most outside ring in our aura or energetic field.




Many public figures in the past century have compelling stories that we all have access to. Bob Dylan may not be up there for a lot of people but we could all benefit from his authenticity, integrity and early mindset/outlook. It’s one thing to switch genres and go from folk music to ‘electric’ like Dylan did but having the courage to redefine himself and keep face whilst doing so is admirable. Especially when the rest of the world wanted to anchor and define him to his past and early years of adolescence.

Bob Dylan not only outgrew the folk scene and transcended above it with an internal desire to do something truly unique with his music. He trusted no one but his authentic self and he did exactly what he felt and sat right with him. Why should he not be able to do that? He got abused for years that followed the release of Highway 61 Revisited. Everywhere he went, he was booed for owning and honoring his own innovation and artist integrity. Booed by fans and even the critics, even when faced with all the negative abuse and pressure to change back to folk music. He stood his ground and kept on playing to tempestuous fans who religiously paid for a ticket just so that they could selfishly heckle him. But in good ol’ Bob Dylan style and just like clockwork, he played religiously night after night.

It doesn’t matter if you think Bob Dylan is a musical genius or simply a wailing, screeching noise. If the truth be told and we all followed our hearts, ignored the critics, chased down our dreams and stopped at nothing. The world would be a far better place.

Highway 61 is a reminder never to give up or back down. Have multiple dreams, follow your heart and always remember that failure is one of the best things that can happen to you. Trust your intuition, stop at nothing and never forget that a person with new ideas is thought of as crazy or rogue until their ideas triumph.



There are 7-levels of consciousness. At the very bottom of this ladder stands Survival and as you work your way up to the top you get met with being of selfless service to others. Sadly this is not a check sheet and you cannot skip the middle parts. (but surprisingly many people do) Consciously, this journey can often take the average person a lifetime to reach, with many people never getting past the first level of survival.

Where do you see yourself:

7 - Contribution: (Social Contribution) Selfless, Social Responsibility, Ecology, Long Term Perspective, Compassion

6 - Connection: (Community Involvement) Making A Difference, Collaboration, Empathy, Environmental Awareness

5 - Self- Expression: (Meaning and Purpose) Authenticity, Integrity, Inner Alignment, Purpose, Creativity, Clarity, Transparency

4 - Transformation: (Consciously Evolving) Autonomy, accountability, Freedom, Courage, Responsibility, Innovation

3 - Self Esteem: (Focus on Achievement) Positive Self Image, Being The Best, Security, Competence, Productivity, Efficiency

2 - Relationships: (Sense on Belonging) Family, Friendship, Safety, listening, Open Communication

1 - Survival: (Building Stability) Financial Wellbeing, Physical & Mental Health