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First of all, thank you for stopping by. My name is Oli Pluck and I am sure you would love to hear about who I am and how I got to where I am today in order to be opening my home to help others? The question is, how long do you have and have you put the kettle on?

I was a normal kid, born to two beautiful and amazing parents who gave me the best childhood I could ever wish for. In 2018 I would finally place the last piece of my life’s jigsaw in the right place to get the last two answers that were imploding on one half of my brain. Who am I and why am I here?

Up to 2017, I had a successful career in Hospitality. I had owned 3 cocktail bars, one of which just won 8th best cocktail bar in the UK. I have consulted on 3 Olympic Games for Mosimann’s and the United States Olympic Committee as well as the British Royal wedding back in 2011. I was also asked to consult for the King and Queen of Jordan….Not forgetting the time I made iced tea for Mohamed Ali. If you are reading this you may be thinking, how on earth is your life terrible?!

You see, In 2017 I burnt out in spectacular fashion. I ramped up my drinking and drug-taking in order to block out many an internal monologue that manifested spectacularly from crippling depression and anxiety. I was a workaholic who was hellbent on recognition. The hamster wheel of misfortune was a daily commute and it was delivering me no gracious favours. One wheel, one speed, one monotonous life! I felt that I had nowhere to turn and the pivotal arm keeping everything in place and moving forward was going to snap any day now.

All I wanted was a place to go where I could work on myself and gain just a little insight into why I do the things I do. Sadly, this place did not exist. I did not have enough money for a rehabilitation clinic and the physicians I was reluctant to see offered me what seemed like a band-aid for a lost limb. Having tried A.A (Alcoholics Annonymous) I struggled to connect with the group on many levels. I knew the alcohol and drugs weren’t the real issue and this was something far more deep-rooted and connected to mental health so I literally felt like I had nowhere to turn. The funny thing was that I had the best upbringing and the most loving parents anyone could ever ask for so why on earth did I feel so disconnected from everyone and everything.

Well naturally things got progressively worse but there was a small light at the end of the tunnel. On a time-out I took in Bali, a good friend put me in touch with an amazing holistic practitioner. She affirmed that my life was like a wet rag and that it had been rung so many times over and if I did not make a change there would be no rings left within the rag.

‘Death’ I said?

She pulled a face a nodded to the side. I think the words that came out of my mouth went along the lines of ‘Holy Fuck!’

She then told me to start meditating and being more mindful of the world I live in. She told me that when I meditated I should say a mantra out loud along the lines of ‘Show me who I am, show me who I am supposed to be’.

She also told me that my life was like a Ferrari and whilst I was going from destination to destination at great speed I was missing out on all the beautiful things that life holds and wanted to give me. She aligned my chakras, cleansed my aura and sent me back off into the world. Within 4 weeks of meeting, this amazing human my life started to unfold. I sold two of my bars, got offered a new job consulting in London and this was the start of a new life-changing adventure.

Did my life continue to get worse? Yes! Yes, it did! 20 years of unknown trauma led me down many a darkened rabbit hole and sadly I knew this simply wouldn’t get fixed overnight. You could be the Dali Lama and meditation alone wasn’t going to fix the mess that I had created. Looking back, there was a delicate rhythm to the way I proceeded to grow and I see it now as a beautiful uncoordinated dance executed perfectly with two left feet. The memories of that journey were at times extremely painful but I cherish them nonetheless and hold them close to my heart.

Should you wish to hear more about my story and hear about what unfolded in the next chapter of my journey, please feel free to watch the video below.


The Renaissance Sanctuary runs 7 days a week and is a full-time ‘working’ space. Each day we focus on framework sessions using THE INTERREGNUM PROCESS™ culminating in you having all the knowledge and tools to navigate you steadily through life and any key decision-making processes that the future may hold.

From January 2022, once a month, sessions will be available in Andalucia, Spain. Giving you an extra option to get away from the UK should you reside here. Allowing you to get back to nature in the Andalucian mountains and absorb all the energy that Monda holds with its powerful ley-line.

If for whatever reason you feel put off by any of the content or its holistic nature, then my heart goes out to you. Life is hard but it really doesn’t have to be. Life is in fact the EASIEST thing on this planet, we just make it hard. Our values and beliefs are often all we have as protection from external sources. Our mind uses these beliefs as a way to make quick and calculated decisions in life. What if the one thing we rely on the most has been wrong all along?

Having an open mind is key to growing in life. If your desire to change, REALLY is greater than the desire to remain the same? Then The Renaissance Sanctuary is for you. All I want to do is to show you how to make life easier so that you can smile and be grateful for all that you have, even if you personally feel like the loneliest soul on the planet.

You are an amazing human being. No life is wasteless or wantless. My aim is to help people find their life purpose and contentment from within. If I can find mine then I am pretty sure I can help you find yours.

I look forward to working with you.

Love, Light & Blessings

Oli x